瀧典明, 中村佳与, 水戸裕也*(現気仙沼農業改良普及センター)
Fertilization regime of controlled-release fertilizer for Welsh onions harvested in early summer from farmland restored from tsunami damage in Miyagi Prefecture
Noriaki TAKI, Kayo NAKAMURA and Yuya MITO*
We found that the yield of Welsh onions harvested in the fall and winter under the localized basal application of controlled-release fertilizer (CRF) was higher than that under conventional application from farmland with poor drainage restored from tsunami damage. The present study aimed to determine the optimal fertilization regime of CRF for Welsh onions harvested in early summer from restored farmland. The localized single basal application method with 100-day-type CRF and the topdressing reduction method with bulk blend CRF (readily-N 40%, 40-day-type-N 30% and 80-day-type-N 30%) resulted in the same or higher yields than the conventional fertilizer application method. However, the promotive effect with the CRFs on Welsh onions harvested in early summer was less than that in fall and winter. In addition, planting in mid-November and tunnel covering during winter resulted in the target yield (30 Mg/ha or higher) at the tested restored farmland in the Sanriku district of Miyagi Prefecture.