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Effects of plant density and shank-length on the growth and yield of
'Fuji' apple trees with the JM5, M.27 interstock
Hideki KIKUCHI and Hiroaki IKEDA

マルバカイドウ(Malus prunifolia Borkh.var. ringo Asami)を根系台木として,JM5あるいはM.27を中間台木とした二重接ぎ木台木に‘ふじ’を接ぎ木し,それぞれの組み合わせに適した栽植密度と台木の地上部の高さについて,樹体生育,果実収量,果実品質の面から比較検討した。リンゴ極わい性台木JM5を中間台木とし,根系台木としてマルバカイドウを用いたわい化栽培における適正な栽植密度は,列間3m,樹間1m,M.27を用いた場合には列間3m,樹間1~1.5mである。中間台木長を30cmにした時の地上部に出す台木の長さによって,樹体生育に差は認められなかった。マルバカイドウを用いず,JM5やM.27の自根で栽培すると樹体は小さく,収量が上がらない。根系台木にマルバカイドウを用い,JM5,M.27を中間台木で使用すれば,樹高が350cm前後の主幹形を用いたわい化栽培が実現できることが明らかになった。



Plant density and shank-length suited for the growth and yeild of 'Fuji' apple trees with the JM5, M.27 interstock were investigated. A spacing of 1×3m was suitable for 'Fuji' apple trees with the interstock of JM5 on Marubakaido(Malus prunifolia Borkh.var. ringo Asami) rootstock. A spacing of 1~1.5×3m was suitable for 'Fuji' apple trees with the interstock of M.27 on Marubakaido rootstock. Shank length of both rootstocks didn't influenceed on the growth and yeild of 'Fuji' apple trees. The growth and yeild of 'Fuji' apple trees on JM5 or M.27 without Marubakido were less than with Marubakaido.

Development of Nutrient and Water Control Guideline in the Cultivation by Fertigation of Chrysanthemum


  1. 細粒褐色森林土における水の広がりは,灌水量の影響を受け,灌水量が少ない場合には十分な横浸透が得られず,灌水量が多くなると横へも浸透することがわかった。また,必要以上の多量灌水による切り花品質の向上はなく,体積水分率で35%を越えると水分過剰であると考えられた。一方,pF2.2以上,体積水分率で25%以下の乾燥した状態が長時間継続すると切り花品質の低下を招く可能性があることがわかった。
  2. 品質の良い切り花が得られ,かつ地下への溶脱を少なく抑えることができる灌水方法は,pFの目安を1.9として,1回当たりの灌水量は約1.5L/平方メートル,1日当たりの灌水回数は,高温・多日照時は3~4回程度,低温・寡日照時は1~2回程度を目安とするのが良い。
  3. 切り花重90g程度の輪ギクの切り花1本あたりの養分吸収量は,N 380~400mg,P2O5 120~140mg,K2O 810~870mg,CaO 220~240mg,MgO 75~90mgであり,窒素吸収量を100とした場合の各成分の吸収比は,P2O5が30~40,K2Oが180~220,CaOが40~60,MgOが15~30程度であった。品種間差は小さく,ほぼ同様に考えて良いと思われた。
  4. 輪ギクの簡易栄養診断の基準値は,生土容積法(水と生土の体積比2対1)による土壌の硝酸イオン濃度で100ppm程度を上限,磨砕法による植物体の硝酸イオン濃度で4,000~6,000ppm程度を目安とすることで,過剰な施肥を防ぎかつ良好な生育を維持できると考えられた。簡易な分析法である生土容積法による硝酸イオン濃度と乾土重量抽出法による硝酸態窒素の分析値は高い相関があった。
  5. 輪ギクは品種や作型によって栽培期間が異なり窒素吸収曲線に違いがあるため,施肥パターンを簡略化した窒素吸収曲線をもとに養水分管理プログラムを作成し,実証を行った結果,慣行栽培に比べて,少ない施肥量で品質の良い切り花が得られた。



A proper irrigation method and nutrient uptake were investigated to make the nutrient and water control guideline in the cultivation by fertigation of Chrysanthemum.

  1. The expanse of the water in granule brown forest soil was influenced by the amount of irrigation. When the amount of irrigation was few, water spreaded horizontally was not suffcient. On the other hand, in the case of increasing the amount of irrigation, it increased. Then, cut flower quality was not improved by the superfluous amount of irrigation, and the water rate of soil over 35% was superfluous. If the condition of the soil that pF-value was over 2.2, or the water rate of soil was under 25%, was continued for a long tome, the cut flower quality may be worse.
  2. The proper irrigation method gotten the good cut flower quality, and reduced leaching to underground as follows: It was suitable at 1.9 of pF-value, and the amount of irrigation was given about 1.5 L/square metre each time. The irrigation frequency was about 3~4 times per day at the time of the high temperature and much sunshine, about 1~2 times per day at the time of the low temperature and little sunshine.
  3. The amount of nutrient uptake for a marketable cut flower with 90g weight was as follows : N 380~400mg,P2O5 120~140mg,K2O 810~870mg,CaO 220~240mg,MgO 75~90mg. The nutrient uptake ratio of each nutrient when setting nitrogen uptake to 100 was as follows : P2O530~40,K2O180~220,CaO40~60,MgO15~30. The difference of these ratio between cultivars was small.
  4. The guideline of the simple diagnosis of nutrient condition was as follows : The upper level of nitrate ion concentration in filtration solution mixed fresh soil and water (mixture ratio 1to2) was about 100ppm. Standard of nitrate ion concentration in leaf juice of middle leaf of plants was about 4,000~6,000ppm. It is consider the use of this guideline makes plants grow well without too much enough fertiligation. Nitrate ion concentration in filtration solution mixed fresh soil and water had good correlation with nitrate nitrogen by dry soil.
  5. The nitrogen uptake curves were different because growing period were different by cultivar or cropping type.Therefore, we made the nutrient and water control guidelines for different growing periods in comparison with conventional fertilization. In conclusion, we cultivated good cut flower quality by using these guidelines, with less fertilizer application rate than conventional fertilization.

鹿野弘,高野岩雄,関根崇行1,大沼康2,庄子孝一3 本多信寛4
The raising process and characteristics of new strawberry cultivar‘Mouikko’
Hiroshi KANO,Iwao TAKANO,Takayuki SEKINE,Kou OONUMA,Kouichi SHOUZI and Nobuhiro HONTA




The varietal characteristics of the new strawberry 'Mouikko' are as follows,

  • (1)The plant produce a lot of runners, the rooting ability of offspring is good. It's easy to use sellplants. The plant is vigorous and uplight. Lateral fruit clusters are formed continuously in the middle of winter.
  • (2)The beginning of flowering is slightly earlier than 'Sachinoka'. The number of flowers per terminal cluster is 11~14, other cluster has 8~12.
  • (3)The fruit size is large. The soluble solids content (SSC) of 'Mouikko fruit is almost the same as that of 'Nyohou' , but the titratable acidity (TA) is lower, and thus the ratio of SSC to TA is higher. 'Mouikko' has firmer fruit than 'Sachinoka', the shelf life of 'Mouikko' is long.
  • (4)'Mouikko' shows good resistance to powdery mildew.
    They are a possibility use to organic.

Utilization and Economic Effect by Compact Self-Ballasted Fluorescent Lamps of Warm White Light on the Culture of Autumn-Flowering Spray Type Chrysanthemums
Atsushi SASAKI ,Ryuko ENDO and Takayoshi MORIYAMA



In order to improve productivity during winter and spring seasons and save energy production on the culture of autumn-flowering spray type chrysanthemums, the possibility of supplemental lighting and the source of lighting for night break by high-pressure sodium lamps were examined. The main results were as follows. When these plants were grown with supplemental lighting by high-pressure sodium lamps, the flowering time was delayed a little. And quantitative characters such as length, fresh weight of cut flower were improved. The effects of night break by high-pressure sodium lamps for 2 hours were almost equal to that of night break by incandescent lamps for 4 hours on regulation of flowering. And this consumption of electric power was reduced to about 50% of the control. These results indicate that the possibility of using by high-pressure sodium lamps is strong.









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