










(*1現大河原農業改良普及センター *2現美里農業改良普及センター *3元農業・園芸総合研究所 *4現亘理農業改良普及センター *5現仙台農業改良普及センター)

Breeding of new cultivar ‘Niko niko berry’ for a forcing culture of strawberry

Shiori TAKAYAMA, Makoto KONDO, Hiroshi KANO, Makoto KONNO,

 Kazuma OGATA, Iwao TAKANO, Yasuko ONODERA and Masato SHIBATA


〔キーワード〕 イチゴ,品種,促成栽培,‘にこにこベリー’,耐病性


‘Niko niko berry’ is a new strawberry cultivar released by the Miyagi Prefectural Agriculture and Horticulture Research center in 2017. It was selected from hybrid seedlings resulting from a cross carried out in 2005 between ‘Mouikko’ and ‘Tochiotome’. It has been adopted to the forcing culture in Miyagi prefecture. ‘Niko niko berry’ is easy to keep good condition in growth even in winter. The fruit shape is conical, scarlet color, good in appearance. On the other hand, the sugar content is lower than that in ‘Tochiotome’, but the acidity in the fruit is higher than that in ‘Tochiotome’. Moreover, the yield is more than 15% higher than that in ‘Tochiotome’. Regarding with diseases, ‘Niko niko berry’ has almost the same levels of susceptibility as ‘Tochiotome’ against anthracnose and Fusarium wilt, but ‘Niko niko berry’ is stronger than ‘Tochiotome’ against powdery mildew.






(*1元先端プロ専属研究員 *2現農研機構東北農業研究センター *3元農業・園芸総合研究所 *4現美里農業改良普及センター)

Effect of crown-temperature control on the growth and yield of strawberry transplanted in August in forcing culture in Miyagi prefecture

Shiori TAKAYAMA, Naoko GOTO, Yasunaga IWASAKI, Wataru SUGENO,

 Iwao TAKANO and Hiroshi KANO


〔キーワード〕 イチゴ,クラウン温度制御,超促成栽培,‘もういっこ’,‘とちおとめ’


We conducted the several experiments to clarify the effective use of crown-temperature control for strawberries from 2013 to 2016 in Miyagi prefecture using ‘Mouikko’ and ‘Tochiotome’, which were major cultivars in our region. In experiment 1, crown-temperature control(cooling) effectively promoted flowering of the second cluster, as the result of the promotion of the flower bud differentiation in both cultivars. It also increased the number of achene, and consequently the weight of fruit. In experiment 2, the crown-temperature control was able to promote flowering of the second cluster when transplanted after late August in ‘Mouikko’, mid-August in ‘Tochiotome’. In experiment 3, on the operation schedule of crown-temperature control (heating) in winter, there was no difference in yield of strawberry between continuous operation and time-limited operation (4:30 to 20:30). In experiment 4, on the cooling effect in spring, crown-temperature control increased yield in both cultivars compared to those of control (without crown-temperature control). In experiment 5, the combination of greenhouse temperature control and crown-temperature control was investigated. The results showed that the crown-temperature control with the minimum nighttime temperature setting of 5°C and the daytime ventilation temperature setting of 30°C increased the total yield by 50%, compared to the no crown-temperature control with the minimum nighttime temperature of 10°C and the daytime ventilation temperature of 25°C. This increase in yield was suggested to be due to the higher carbon dioxide concentration in the greenhouse caused by the higher ventilation temperature.
 From the above results, the effective use of crown-temperature control in Miyagi prefecture was clarified. The planting time could be earlier from mid to late August. The operation time of heating should be from 4:30 to 20:30. A minimum night temperature of 5°C and a daytime ventilation temperature of 30°C are the most appropriate for crown-temperature control.







Fuel oil consumption reduction by multi-step time-dependent night temperature management using short-term end-of-day heating on winter-cultivated spray-type chrysanthemums in cool climate region

Yoko ADACHI, Atsushi SASAKI, Kana TSUDA and Mitsuru DOUZONO*


〔キーワード〕 スプレーギク,12月出荷栽培,3月出荷栽培,寒冷地,EOD-heating,燃油消費量削減


In order to reduce the amount of energy input for production in the cropping type that passes through the severe winter season of spray-type chrysanthemum,we investigated the effect of temperature control that combines end-of-day(EOD)-heating treatment and multi-step time-dependent night temperature management on the flowering and cut flower quality of spray-type chrysanthemum and on reducing fuel consumption.

1 Examination in December flowering cultivation

In the December flowering cultivation of spray-type chrysanthemum, when temperature control (Table 1) was performed by combining EOD-heating treatment and multi-step time-dependent night temperature management, cut flowers of the same quality as the conventional nighttime constant heating cultivation were obtained, and although flowering was delayed from 1th to 4th, it bloomed during the December demand period, and it became clear that fuel consumption could be reduced by 23.5% to 25.8%.

2 Examination in March flowering cultivation

In the March flowering cultivation of spray-type chrysanthemum, when temperature control (Table 2) was performed by combining EOD-heating treatment and multi-step time-dependent night temperature management, cut flowers of the same quality as the conventional nighttime constant heating cultivation were obtained, and although flowering was delayed from 1th to 3th, it bloomed during the March Higan demand period, and it became clear that fuel consumption could be reduced by 17.1% to 18.9%. In addition, the income rate was 20.4% in conventional cultivation, but it became 26.1% in cultivation with multi-step EODh treatment, and the income rate increased by 5.7%.









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