








佐々木 厚

Studies on the Availability of Various Light Sources for Night-break on
Spray-type Chrysanthemum in Cool Climate Regions

Atsushi SASAKI




Long-day treatment is a method to inhibit flowering and to produce well-formed flower clusters (normal spray flower formation) when cultivating spray-type chrysanthemums. It involves interrupting the dark period (night-break) each night, from the time of planting seedlings or planting unrooted cuttings throughout the year until the time for short-day treatment. Incandescent lamps have conventionally been used as light sources for this treatment, but they have a high power consumption, short working life, and low light-producing efficiency rate. From the perspective of global warming mitigation, there is an urgent need to find alternatives to these lamps. For this reason and to establish energy-saving low-cost production methods, high-pressure sodium lamps, compact self-ballasted fluorescent lamps of warm white light, compact self-ballasted fluorescent lamps of red light, and red LED light sources were tested for their potential interrupting the dark period in cold climate regions, including Miyagi prefecture.

In case of autumn-flowering cultivars in light and shade cultures, when a 400-W high -pressure sodium lamp, which is normally used to promote photosynthesis, was used to interrupt the dark period each night for 2-h from the time of planting seedlings or planting unrooted cuttings until the time for short-day treatment, flower bud formation was inhibited as efficiently for practical purposes as by a 4-h dark interruption using a 75-W incandescent lamp. The 400-W lamps illuminated approximately 6 times as much irradiation area as the 75-W incandescent lamps. These results clearly show the effectiveness of high-pressure sodium lamps for interrupting the dark period. However, 
using high-pressure sodium lamps for only 1-h did not result in a level of flower bud inhibition suitable for commercial cultivation.

In case of autumn-flowering cultivars in light and shade cultures, when a 23-W compact self-ballasted fluorescent lamp of warm white light prototype, produced in collaboration with the manufacturer, was used to interrupt the dark period each night for 4-h from the time of planting seedlings until the time for short-day treatment. This treatment also inhibited flower budding to an extent sufficient for practical application. This result shows that the 23-W lamp could be used for interrupting the dark period. Furthermore, if the method used in the trial was to be commercialized, on the basis of power and depreciation costs per 10a per year, the normal power costs would be approximately 45% compared with the power costs associated with using the 75-W incandescent lamps (a 55% reduction), and for the night power costs, it would be approximately 64% (a 36% reduction).

In case of autumn-flowering and summer-to-autumn-flowering cultivars in light culture, when a 21-W compact self-ballasted fluorescent lamp of red light prototype, produced in collaboration with the manufacturer, was used for interrupting the dark period each night from the time of planting seedlings until the time for short-day treatment. The flower clusters had a well-formed shape with a high commercial value for cut-flowers; the photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) value was lower than that of the 75-W incandescent lamp for the same night-break time. A 6.7-W red LED light source prototype was tested on autumn-flowering and summer-to-autumn- flowering cultivars during the same growth period. The flower clusters showed a well-formed shape with high commercial value, comparable to the results of interrupting the dark period with remarkably lower PPFD value than that of a incandescent lamp for the same night-break time. The order of the light sources with minimal fluence required for well-formed high quality flowers was incandescent lamp > compact self-ballasted fluorescent lamps of red light > red LED light source. The compact self-ballasted fluorescent and red LED prototypes were clearly suitable for interrupting the dark period from the time of planting seedlings until the time for short-day treatment. When these light sources were used, the night-break time and the lower limit of PPFD value for high-value flower clusters were inversely correlated. These results indicate that the product of the lower limit of PPFD value and night-break time can be explained by the Bunsen-Roscoe law of reciprocity.

These results show that high-pressure sodium lamps, compact self-ballasted fluorescent lamps of warm white light, compact self-ballasted fluorescent lamps of red light, and red LED light sources can be used for interrupting the dark period in cut-flower spray-type chrysanthemums reared in cold climate regions from the time of planting seedlings or planting unrooted cuttings until the time for short-day treatment. In particular, red LED light source could produce flower clusters of a high commercial value at a much lower PPFD value than incandescent lamp. With its much lower power consumption, red LED light source is a promising source for interrupting the dark period.









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