



選択 矢印 前号へ 一覧へ戻る 次号へ


岩崎 泰永
Establishment of Closed Hydroponic System of Tomato Using Buffer Capacity of the Substrate
Yasunaga Iwasaki

第1章 緒言


第2章 養液栽培実態調査


  • (1)養液栽培は作業の軽労働化という点では多くの生産者から高い評価を得ているが,収量性や収益性については必ずしも高い評価を得ていない.
  • (2)養液栽培の普及が遅滞している最も大きな原因は装置設備費が高いことであり(第1図),低コストな装置の開発が必要である.
  • (3)メーカー指定の複合肥料の利用や用水としての水道水の利用がランニングコストを押し上げている.単一肥料を用いた培養液処方の普及や簡易な水質改善装置の開発が重要である.
  • (4)現状では培養液を「かけ流し」にするロックウール耕が主流であるが(第2図),環境保全の立場からは肥料成分を含む溶液の施設外への排出を回避する必要があり,これに対する方策として培養液の循環利用が重要である.また,使用後の処理が容易な有機質資材などを培地とすることも重要である.


  • 1)装置設備の低コスト化
  • 2)培養液循環型養液栽培システムの確立


第3章 低コストな装置設備の開発


  • (1)培養液循環利用型である.
  • (2)栽培面積を複数のサブタンクで分割して管理する.系統ごとに作期を変えて作付けすることが可能でありまた,危険分散にも有効である(第3図).
  • (3)制御システムに制御用マイクロコンピュータを利用することにより生産コストの大幅な削減が可能となった.また,タッチパネル式の表示器を装備しユーザーインターフェースが優れている.

第4章 有機質資材を培地とする循環型養液栽培システムの開発


  • (1)やし殻繊維はロックウールに近い保水性を有するのに対し,樹皮ともみ殻くん炭はロックウールよりも著しく保水性が低かった.
  • (2)やし殻繊維と樹皮はCECが50cmol(+)/kg以上あり,緩衝能に優れていた(第2表).
  • (3)やし殻繊維はカリの含有量が高かった.
  • (4)やし殻繊維,樹皮,もみ殻くん炭いずれも培地への窒素の取り込みが認められた.

次に,それぞれの有機質資材を培地として,前述の循環型養液栽培システムを用いてトマトの栽培実験を行い培地資材の違いが循環培養液の組成やpHの変動とトマトの生育・収量に及ぼす影響を検討した. 得られた結果は以下の通りであった.

  • (1)やし殻繊維と樹皮を培地とした場合には循環培養液のpH,EC,イオン組成が相対的に安定していた(第5図,第6図).
  • (2)やし殻繊維と樹皮を培地とした場合にはロックウールに比べて草勢が安定し,商品果収量,商品果率が高かった(第3表).
  • (3)これらの有機質培地のイオン交換能が循環培養液の組成変動を抑制し,トマトの草勢の安定,花芽や果実の生育に寄与したことが考えられる.


  • (1)アンモニウム態窒素を含まない培養液処方を用いた場合には循環培養液組成の変動が少なくなった.
  • (2)アンモニウム態窒素を含まない培養液処方を用いた場合には,トマトの草勢が安定し,商品果収量,商品果率が高くなった(第4表,第7図,第8図,第5表).
  • (3)これらの原因として,アンモニウム態窒素を含まない培養液処方を用いた場合には循環培養液のpHが7前後と高く推移し,培地のイオン交換能が維持されたことが考えられた.


第5章 高品質果実生産のための土壌を培地とする循環型かん水施肥システムの開発


  • (1)土壌システムでは回収タンク内培養液のpHやECの変動がロックウールシステムよりも相対的に小さかった(第9図).
  • (2)土壌システムでは回収タンク内培養液組成もロックウールシステムよりも安定していた(第10図).
  • (3)土壌システムに比べロックウールシステムではトマトの茎径が太く,草勢が強かった.その結果,ロックウールシステムでは総収量は多かったが,商品果収量では土壌システムと有意な差はなく,商品果率は土壌システムのほうが高かった(第7表).


  • (1)かん水制限によって茎径が細くなる傾向がみられ,平均一果重は15~17%程度,商品果収量は12~23%程度低下した.
  • (2)果実糖度はかん水制限により‘TVR-2’と‘桃太郎ヨーク’でそれぞれBRIX値で6.2%と6.8%となり,無処理区より11%と21%上昇した.
  • (3)3品種いずれもかん水制限によって果実酸度,果皮硬度の上昇がみられた.かん水制限により果皮が固くなることより,完熟系品種の‘桃太郎ヨーク’より,果皮が柔らかい‘TVR-2’のほうが食味が優ると考えられた(第8表).




  • 1)宮城県における養液栽培の実態をアンケート調査した.その結果,養液栽培の普及が遅滞している原因として,装置設備が高価であること,設備費に対する収量性や収益性が不充分であること,ランニングコストが高いことが明らかとなり,また培養液「かけ流し」方式のロックウール耕が主流であり環境負荷が問題であることが指摘された.
  • 2)培養液管理システムと栽培ベッドを検討し,低コストで環境負荷を軽減できる循環型養液栽培システムを開発した.このシステムは有機質培地を使用する場合は従来のロックウール耕に比べて約1/4,土壌を培地とする場合は約1/3の低コストにすることが可能であることを明らかにした.
  • 3)有機質資材を培地とする循環型養液栽培を検討し,有機質資材としてはやし殻繊維が最適であること,アンモニウム態窒素を最小限とする培養液処方が商品果収量,商品果率を向上させることを明らかにした.
  • 4)土壌を培地とする循環型かん水施肥システムを開発し,トマトの高糖度果実生産の可能性を明らかにした.


Chapter1 Introduction

Over the last 10 yeaats(From 1987 to 1997), hydoroponic culture has become increasingly popular among commercial growers. Hydroponic culture is evaluated as a new technology which is indispensable to expand a scale and improve productivity in the protected cultivation, because it has some merits of avoiding injury by successive cropping, reducing labor by automation, providing the comfortabe work enbironment.
However, the percentage of the hydorponic culture area in the total of the protected cultivaton area in Japan (53,000 ha) is only 1.7 %(916 ha).
Althoug the hydroponic culture has a lot of merits and this thing is expected as new technology but the problem which must be solved seems to be inhering.
Therefore, in this paper, first, questionnaire investigation of the actual state of the hydroponic culture in Miyagi Prefecture is carried out to extracted a problem.
Next, developing the technology which can solve these problems and being established as the growing system.

Cahpter2 Investigation of the situation and problems of hydoroponic culture in Miyagi prefecture

A questionnair investigation was conducted to clarify the problems of hydoroponics systems in 1997.

  1. Hydoroponics systems is evaluated good in relation to the lighteness of the work load.
  2. Hight initial cost of hhdoroponics systems is the biggest problems for most of the grower at present.
  3. To lower the running cost, using self -preparation nutirient solution is effective insted of pre-mix nutrient solution.
  4. From the viewpoint of environmental presevation, closed recirculating system is required instead of free-drain of nutirient soluiton.

Chapter3 Development of the cost effective recirculating hydoroponic systems

To decrease the cost of the hydorponic systems, nutrient supply system and two types of growing systems were developed. The features of the nutrient supply system is, 1)closed reciculating system, 2) Cultivation area is divided into several block so as to disperse the risk of soil-borne pathogens, ot to control the nutrient supply of each block independenty, 3)Copmputerization with graphical operation pnael is effective in decreasing the cost and easy operation.
Two types of growing systems are designed. One is for organic materials as substrate, using horticultural plstic container. The other is for soil as substrate, using trougn reinfoced plstic.

Cahpter4 Establishment of the closed-recirculating hydoroponics system using an organic material as an substrate for growing tomatoes


Investigation of the propeties of some organic materials as growing media, and the effet of growing media on groth and yield of tomato.
The effects of some organic materials as substrates on the fluctuation of ion concentration in a nutrient solution of the closed recirculating system and the growth and yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Hausu-Momotaro) were compared to those of rockwool-system. The following results were obtained.

  1. CEC of coir, bark and carbonized chaff is 52, 53 and 20 cmol(+)/kg, respectively. CEC of rockwool is very low(0.8mol(+)/kg).
  2. The pH of the recirculating nutrient solution fluctuated less in the system using coir and bark as substrate than it did in the rockwool-system.
  3. The composition of cations in the solution was more stable in the coir- and bark-systems than it was in the rockwool-system.
  4. Plant vigor was more stable in the system using organic material as substrate. On the other hand, in rockwool system, plant vigor was strong in the lower fruit truss, but it became weaker in the higher fruit truss.
  5. Total yield was higher in tomato plants grown in the rockwool-system than organic material systems, but the marketable yields were higher in the coir- and bark-systems. So, the percentage of marketable fruits was higher in coir- and bark-systems
  6. It was concluded that coir- and bark-system may be more suitable for tomato fruit production than the rockwool-system in the closed-recirculating system.

Prat 2

Effects of NO3-N/NH4-N ratios of nutrient solution on the fluctuation of ion concentration of a recirculating nutrient solution and the growth and yield of tomato in closed hydroponic system using coir as substrate.
Tomato plants were grown in closed hydroponic system using coir and rockwool as substrate, coir- and rockwool- system, for about 5 months to study the effects of NO3-N/NH4-N ratios of nutrient solution on the fluctuation of ion concentration in a recirculating nutrient solution and the growth and yield of tomato. Three nutrient solutions varied in NO3-N/NH4-N ratios (14.8/1.2=standard solution, 16/0=solution 1, 12/4=solution 2) were designed to produce neutral, basic, and acidic condition in the medium. The results obtained were as follows:

  1. In solution 1 and standard solution plots, pH of the recirculating solution were more stable in coir-system than in rockwool-system, whereas in solution 2plot, that pH was drastically decreased.
  2. In coir-system, ion concentrations in the recirculating solution were much more stable than those in rockwool system, especially in solution 1.
  3. Plant vigour was the strongest in standard solution plot in both systems, and in coir-system, total yields was highest in standard solution plot, but marketable fruits yields was highest in solution 1 plot. In rockwool-systems, total yields was highest in solution 1plot, and there were little difference between solution 1and standard solution in marketable fruits yields. Of all the plots, the marketable fruits yields was the highest in solution 1plot in coir-system.
  4. In coir-system, higher pH of recirculating solution made CEC of substrate increase in solution 1 which contained NO3-N alone as nitrogen source, and reduce the fluctuation of ion concentration. Consequently both marketable fruits ratio and yields became the highest among the treatments.

Chapter5 Establishment of the closed-recirculating fertigation system for growing tomatoes

Comparison between soil and rockwool as substrates utilizing a drained nutrient solution for growing tomatoes in a closed fertigation system
The effects of soil and rockwool as substrates, soil- and rockwool-system, respectively, on the fluctuation of ion concentration in a drained nutrient solution of a closed fertigation system and the growth and yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Hausu-Momotaro) were compared. The following results were obtained 149 days after transplanting .

  1. The pH of the drained nutrient solution fluctuated less in the soil-system than it did in the rockwool-system.
  2. The composition of both cations and anions was more stable in the soil-system than it was in the rockwool-system. In the rockwool-system, sodium and sulphate concentrations increased between 89 to 126 days after transplanting while those of potassium and nitrate decreased .
  3. Physiological disorders were not observed in both soil- and rockwool-systems.
  4. Vegetative growth was more vigorous and total yield was higher in tomato plants grown in the rockwool-system than in the soil-system but the percentage of marketable fruits was higher in the latter. There was no significant difference in the marketable yields between the two systems.
  5. Closed-fertigation soil-system may be more suitable for tomato fruit production than the rockwool-system because of the stability of the pH and ion composition of the drained nutrient solution.

Part 2
Production of high quality fruits by closed-fertigation systtem
Using the closed fertigation system, water limitation treatment was carried out to produce high brix-fruits, testing 3 varieties,' Housu-momotaro ', ' Momotaro yoke ', `TVR-2'. Soil matric potential was mesured by tension meter, and only when the value of the sensor is below the set point, irrigation is carriied out.
The following results were obtained.
1. With watering limitation treatment, it has a tendency that the stem diameter decrease and redction about 15 - 17 % of fruit weight, about 12 - 23 % of marketable yields wewe observed. 2. The fruit sugar content was 6.2 % and 6.8 % as Brix value and increase by 21 % with 11 % respectively with 'TVR-2' and ' Momotaro yoke 'to those of the control traeatment. 3. The rise of the fruit acid degree, the skin hardness was obseved in 3 kind by water limitation treatment.
With watering limitation ,the skin of fruit becomes harder, 'TVR-2' is more suitbale for this treatment where the skin is softer than ' Momotaro yoke '.
It is concluded that in the closed-fertigation system, production of the high brix-fruit is possible with watering limitation.

Chapter 6 Conclusion

To make the hydorponic culture more popular , which has some merits of avoiding injury by successive cropping , reducing labor by automation, providing the comfortabe work enbironment , studies were conducted.

  • 1)A questionnair investigation was conducted to clarify the problems of hydoroponics systems in 1997. High initial cost of hhdoroponics systems is the biggest problems for most of the grower at present. From the viewpoint of environmental presevation, closed recirculating system is required instead of free-drain of nutirient soluiton.
  • 2)To decrease the cost of the hydorponic systems, nutrient supply system and two types of growing systems were developed.
  • 3)Investigation of the propeties of some organic materials as growing media, and the effet of growing media on groth and yield of tomato was conducted and, closed-recirculating hydoroponics system using an coir as an substrate for growing tomatoes was establised.
    In coir-system, higher pH of recirculating solution made CEC of substrate increase, so nutrient solution which contained NO3-N alone as nitrogen source, reduce the fluctuation of ion concentration.
  • 4)Closed-fertigation soil-system may be more suitable for tomato fruit production than the rockwool-system because of the stability of the pH and ion composition of the drained nutrient solution.
    The possibility was shown that the closed-fertigation system,can produce the high brix-fruit tomato with watering limitation.









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