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The World of Original Illustrations for Children's Book, 2013
6th April (Sut.) - 12th May (Sun.), 2013
Closed on Mondays (except for 29th Apr., 6th May.), 7th Apr. - 7th May.
Admission Fee:
Adults 1000 yen (900 yen), College students 800 yen (700 yen),
Elementary / Junior high school / high school students 300 yen (200 yen)
(Price in brackets indicate cost for groups of over 20)
Main Gallery
Exhibition Room 3・4
Children’s book gives children the first experience of visual expression, so it can be called the first art.
The Miyagi Museum of Art has more than 10 thousand collection of original illustrations for children’s book. For giving children high quality books, the original illustrations are executed by various artists, including famous Japanese and Western-style painters, sculptors, cartoonists, and other non-categorizable artists.
For them, children’s book is new experience because it is completed through printing. Sometimes they adopt unfamiliar technique and expression, including which of printing, to achieve the best effect after printing.
In this exhibition, 320 pieces of original illustrations of 26 artists, 43 titles will be shown from our collection.
“GURI and GURA” 1963
CHO Shinta
“A King and His Fried Egg” 1972
HORI Fumiko
“FUMIKO in the Flower Fantasy Land” 1958
“The Lion and the Bird's Nest” 1960